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Что такое поляризованное реле?

Введение — Высоковольтные керамические вакуумные поляризованные реле — это реле, которые используют электромагнитный привод поляризованного типа в вакуумной камере для переключения высоких напряжений и частот. — Они имеют преимущества по сравнению с обычными реле, такие как низкое сопротивление контактов, высокая изоляция, долгий срок службы и малый размер. — Они применяются в различных областях, таких как... Continue reading

Что такое высоковольтные вакуумные реле?

Высоковольтное керамическое вакуумное реле — это реле, которое использует керамическую вакуумную герметизацию для изоляции контактов реле от внешнего воздуха и обеспечения высокой прочности на пробой для реле, работающих в высоковольтных цепях. Вакуумная герметизация предотвращает образование дуги между контактами и уменьшает сопротивление контактов. Высоковольтные керамические вакуумные реле имеют низкий уровень шума, высокую надёжность, долгий срок службы... Continue reading

MGV46 - replenishment of the nomenclature in the Megavac line

Megavac is pleased to introduce a new relay type, MGV46, with low coil resistance: 230Ω/12V; 920Ω \ 26.5V; 4700Ohm\115V; This type of relay is designed for applications with stringent power requirements. Model Switching under load Operating voltage (kV) Pin assignment Res. contacts, mΩ Weight, g Number of cycles Documentation Maximum current (A) DC 2.5 MHz 16 MHz 32 MHz MGV46A… Continue reading

High voltage vacuum relays. Basic terms and definitions.

Arc - an electrical discharge between mating relay contacts when an energized circuit is interrupted. Contact bounce is intermittent unwanted opening of closed contacts or closing of open contacts. Gap - opening closed contacts to interrupt the electrical circuit. Voltage breakdown is an undesirable condition for an arc to occur in a relay due to overvoltage. A cold circuit is a de-energized electrical circuit. A dielectric is an insulating medium... Continue reading

High voltage vacuum relays. Areas of use.

RF \ HF \ microwave equipment. Vacuum relays play a vital role when high power and low RF losses are required. Vapor deposition for wafer processing Transmitter/receiver antenna switches Pulse shaping networks Ion implant MRI power supplies Radar systems Security screening systems TWT power supplies Radio antenna tuning matching circuits Test equipment and instrumentation… Continue reading

High voltage vacuum relays. General information. Part 1

Vacuum relays are widely used in airborne (aviation), mobile and marine communications equipment. Typical applications include antenna coupling, tap switching on radio frequency (RF) coils, transmit/receive switching to an antenna, switching in pulse shaping networks, and heavy duty power supplies, including those for heavy duty applications. Such relays are characterized by high speed of operation and the ability to withstand ... Continue reading

The main application of the relay.

As everyone knows, high-voltage relays are called relays that switch circuits with voltages over 500 V and high currents. Precisely because of the ability to steer gigantic powers, relays are used in aerospace RF applications. This equipment requires compact relays that have low RF overhead, have unsurpassed dielectric properties at high voltages, and are capable of operating at high altitudes under harsh weather conditions. Other than that, extensive use of relays has been found in medical equipment and all sorts of commercial applications. Continue reading
